Inspiring & Educational Videos

There is so much great content on the internet, but sometimes it can be hard to find! Here is a collection of some of our favorites!

The Fox Ninja!

Jimmy Choi is a very inspirational gentleman who has had Parkinson’s over 16 years and is defying the odds and showing what is possible with exercise!

Parkinson's affects everyone differently. And, each individual's approach to living with it is just as variable. Jimmy Choi, a member of The Michael J. Fox Foundation's Patient Council, was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson's disease at age 27. Since then, he has run, cycled and swam in countless endurance events to raise more than $100,000 to speed a cure for Parkinson's.

A Hometown Hero!

John Ball is an amazing athlete, author, father, husband and also an example of what is possible for people with Parkinsons who exercise vigorously and consistently! He has lived with symptoms of Parkinsons over 40 years and is definitely a positive deviant!

John Ball was 36 years old when he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. More than a decade later, he ran his first Los Angeles Marathon in four hours at the age of 50. Inspired by the effects of exercise to slow the progression of Parkinson's Disease, John began to encourage others to do the same with the creation of Team Parkinson.


The brain-changing benefits of exercise!

This is an awesome ted talk about exercise!

What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.


Intentional medicine - shifting the focus of healthcare

What are we really focused on in healthcare? In this talk Dr McGugan will explore how shifting the focus at all levels of the health system - patients, medical staff, NHS and media - could have a profound impact on health.


Your genes are not your fate!

Dean Ornish shares new research that shows how adopting healthy lifestyle habits can affect a person at a genetic level. For instance, he says, when you live healthier, eat better, exercise, and love more, your brain cells actually increase.


Harnessing the power of placebos

Stanford professor, athlete, and psychologist Alia Crum investigates how our mindset can affect health behaviors and outcomes. In her 2016 TEDMED Talk, Alia shares her research on placebos and encourages us to consider the placebo effect as more than a mysterious response to an inert substance.


The power of believing you can improve

Carol Dweck researches "growth mindset" - the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk, she describes two ways to think about a problem that's slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it ...


Your body language may shape who you are

(NOTE: Some of the findings presented in this talk have been referenced in an ongoing debate among social scientists about robustness and reproducibility. Read "Criticisms & updates" below for more details as well as Amy Cuddy's response.) Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves.


One more reason to get a good nights sleep

The brain uses a quarter of the body's entire energy supply, yet only accounts for about two percent of the body's mass. So how does this unique organ receive and, perhaps more importantly, rid itself of vital nutrients? New research suggests it has to do with sleep.


More from Jimmy Choi!

The Impact of Parkinson’s and the Unknown

Upon my diagnosis at the age of 27, I did nothing to manage my Parkinson's symptoms for 8 years afterwards. But that changed when I hit rock bottom when I fell down the stairs with my infant son.


How to live to be 100+

To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. In his talk, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.